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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Workflow.DesignTime.ComponentModel Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classCommandManagerT
Implements the command manager for executing, undoing and redoing changes on a data model.
Public classCommandManagerException
Represents a Exception of the Command Manager.
Public classDataModifiedEventArgs
Represents an event argument of a modified event.
Public classIdleEventArgs
Represents an event argument used when the Command Manager gets idle.
Public classIdleWorkingEventArgs
Represents an event argument used when idle working starts.
Public classOperationFailedEventArgs
Represents an event argument sent if a command operation failed.
Public classStateChangedEventArgs
Represents an event argument of a state changed event.
Public interfaceICommandContext
Defines the responsibility which a command context must implement.
Public interfaceICommandManager
Specifies the weroSoft Command Manager functionality.
Public interfaceIEditCommand
Defines the functionality a editor command must implement.
Public interfaceIModifyingCommand
Defines the functionality a editor command must implement.
Public interfaceINoCommandStackCommand
Defines that a command is not stacked on the command stack.
Public interfaceIRepeatableEditCommand
Defines the functionality a repeatable editor command must implement.
Public enumerationCommandOperation
Defines the possible operations a command can perform.