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weroSoft AG, Software
SecurityServerDefinitionViewModel Properties
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.

The SecurityServerDefinitionViewModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountName
Gets or sets the account name.
Public propertyAccountNamePasswordEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account name and the password are enabled or not.
Public propertyAutoConnect
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the definition may be used for automatic connection.
Public propertyClientAdapterTypeName
Gets or sets the currently defined client adapter type name.
Public propertyCredentialTypes
Gets a collection of the provided credential types.
Public propertyCurrentCredentialItem
Gets or sets the currently selected credential type.
Public propertyDefinitionName
Gets or sets the definition name of the security detail element.
(Inherited from SecurityAccessDefinitionViewModel.)
Public propertyEnterPassword
Gets a label for entering a password.
Public propertyIsModified
Gets or sets the flag indicating whether the object has been modified or not.
(Inherited from ViewModelBase.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets or sets the flag indicating whether the object is read-only.
(Inherited from ViewModelBase.)
Protected propertyModelCascadingCollectionChangedEventObjects
Gets a list of cascaded events for collection changed.
(Inherited from ViewModelBase.)
Protected propertyModelCascadingEventObjects
Gets a list of cascaded event objects.
(Inherited from ViewModelBase.)
Public propertyNodeId
Gets or sets the node id of the secure store.
(Inherited from SecurityAccessDefinitionViewModel.)
Public propertyParameter
Gets or sets the parameter.
Public propertyPassword
Gets or sets the password.
Public propertyRegisteredClientAdapterTypeNames
Gets a collection of the registered server.
Public propertyServerName
Gets or sets the server name.
Public propertySystemName
Gets or sets the system name.
Public propertySystemNameEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the system name is enabled or not.
Public propertyUseExistingConnection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the definition may be on connect another client.
See Also