Click or drag to resize
weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Workflow.Desktop.Controls Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classAnimatedScrollViewer
Implements a scroll viewer working with animation.
Public classExecuteWorkflowCommand
Represents the command to execute the selected item.
Public classImagePackUri
Defines the image pack URI accessor strings.
Public classPageNavigationTemplateSelector
Provides the template selector which is used for predefined parts.
Public classPageNavigator
Implements the interaction logic for PageNavigator.
Public classRefreshCommand
Represents the command to refresh the list of items.
Public classShowDetailsCommand
Represents the command to show the detail of a template.
Public classWorkflowDescriptor
Represents a workflow.
Public classWorkflowGroupCountDescriptor
Defines the number of workflow items in the group.
Public classWorkflowInfoCreatedEventArgs
Represents the event fired when an workflow info has been created.
Public classWorkflowInfoDeletedEventArgs
Represents the event fired when an workflow info has been deleted.
Public classWorkflowInfoModifiedEventArgs
Represents the event fired when an workflow info has been modified.
Public classWorkflowSelectorControl
Interaction logic for TemplateControl.xaml
Public classWorkflowSelectorEventArgs
Represents a workflow template event argument.
Public classWorkflowSelectorViewModel
Defines the functionality of the view model used in the template control.
Public classWorkflowView
Interaction logic for WorkflowView.xaml
Public interfaceIFlowSelectorProvider
Defines the functionalities and properties that a workflow selector shall support.
Public interfaceIWorkflowDescriptor
Defines the responsibility of a workflow descriptor.
Public enumerationWorkflowSelectorStatus
Defines the possible states a view item for workflows can have.
Public enumerationWorkflowSelectorType
Identifies the type of selector.