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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Data.Common Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classDataMapperQueryMapper
Implements the query translator for weroSoft data mapper.
Public classDataMapping Obsolete.
Implements the data mapping for mapping data from business logic to data logic and reverse.
Public classLocalizedPropertyHelpers
Implements some helpers for localized values.
Public classLocalizedPropertyValueDataBaseTKey, TValue
Implements a base class for property data.
Public classLocalizedPropertyValueWrapperBaseTValue
Base implementation of localized values data wrapper.
Public classMapExecutorBase
Base class of a mapping executor.
Public classMapExecutorFieldToField
Mapping executor for mapping a field on the source to a field on the target.
Public classMapExecutorFieldToProperty
Mapping executor for mapping a field on the source to a property on the target.
Public classMapExecutorPropertyToField
Mapping executor for mapping a property on the source to a field on the target.
Public classMapExecutorPropertyToProperty
Mapping executor for mapping a property on the source to a property on the target.
Public classMappingAttribute
Defines the base type of mapping attributes.
Public classMappingCircularRelationTracker
Track if the mapping is circular or not.
Public classMappingCollectionAttribute
Defines the mapping of collections and its type.
Public classMappingConverterAnySerializable
Provides mapping for any serializable data.
Public classCode exampleMappingConverterAttribute
Allows declaring a mapping rule for type conversion.
Public classMappingConverterByteToSbyte
Implements a converter to map from byte to signed byte and back.
Public classMappingConverterCharacteristics
Provides the converter functionality to automatically map characteristics information.
Public classCode exampleMappingConverterCollection
Provides mapping functionality for different types of collections.
Public classMappingConverterCultureInfo
Define a specialization of the standard CultureInfo Converter which is able to convert to and from long string.
Public classMappingConverterDateTime
Define a specialization of the standard DateTime Converter which is able to convert to and from long value.
Public classMappingConverterGuidToNullableGuid
Provides the converter functionality to automatically map an empty guid to null and vise-versa.
Public classMappingConverterIntToUint
Implements a converter to map from integer to unsigned integer and back.
Public classMappingConverterJson
Converts a given CLR object into a JSON string or back to a CLR object.
Public classMappingConverterLocalizedPropertyXml
Converts a localized property to XML and backward.
Public classMappingConverterLongToUlong
Implements a converter to map from long to unsigned long and back.
Public classMappingConverterManyToManyTBusiness, TData
Abstract class to map a many to many relation.
Public classMappingConverterManyToOneTBusiness, TData
Abstract class to map a many to many relation.
Public classMappingConverterNullStringToGuidString
Provides the converter functionality to automatically map a null or empty string value to a guid-string.
Public classMappingConverterObjectIdTBusiness
Converts a list of object with a identifier from type GUID to a string with all identifiers.
Public classMappingConverterObjectIdsTBusiness
Converts a list of object with a identifier from type GUID to a string with all identifiers.
Public classCode exampleMappingConverterParameterizableStringList
Converts a list of strings to a string and from string to a list of string.
Public classMappingConverterShortToUshort
Implements a converter to map from short to unsigned short and back.
Public classMappingConverterStringDictionary
Converts a string into a key value dictionary.
Public classMappingConverterStringList
Converts a list to a comma separated string and from comma separated string into list of string.
Public classMappingConverterStringToChar
Implements a converter to map from char to string and back.
Public classMappingConverterTimespan
Define a specialization of the standard Timespan Converter which is able to convert to and from long value.
Public classMappingConverterUniqueIndex
Ensures a field participating in a unique index is filled in.
Public classMappingConverterXmlSerializer
Converts a serializable object to a string.
Public classMappingException
Represents an exception raised on a mapping of data from a source to a target data object.
Public classMappingExcludeAttribute
Defines a property which is not mapped.
Public classMappingIdentityAttribute
Declares the check and generation of an object identity.
Public classCode exampleMappingMultiConverterAttribute
Allows declaring a mapping rule for cascaded type conversion.
Public classMappingPrimaryOnlyAttribute
Allows declaring a mapping by primary only.
Public classMappingRuleAttribute
Allows declaring a mapping rule.
Public classCode exampleMappingTargetNameAttribute
Allows declaring a mapping rule for fields or properties.
Public classMappingTranslator
Defines a translator for structural translation from a source to a target.
Public classMappingTranslatorAttribute
Allows declaring a mapping rule for data translation.
Public classMappingTranslatorLocalizedPropertyRelation
Converts a localized property to XML and backward.
Public classMappingTranslatorLocalizedPropertyRelation2
Converts a localized property to XML and backward.
Public interfaceILocalizedPropertyValueData
Defines the interface of a localized property value data.
Public interfaceILocalizedPropertyValueDataTKey, TValue
Defines the interface of a localized property value data.
Public interfaceILocalizedPropertyValueDataWrapper
Defines a wrapper for localized value data.
Public interfaceILocalizedPropertyValueDataWrapperTValue
Defines the data wrapper for localized values.
Public interfaceIMappingLocalizedConverter
Defines a marker interface for localized mapping converters.
Public interfaceIMappingTranslator
Defines the data and methods a mapping translator must implement.
Public enumerationMappingDirection
Defines the direction which is used for performing the mapping.