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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Contracts.Document Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classCallContextParameterConstant
Defines constants for call context parameters.
Public classContent
Represents the base information of a content within the Document Management System.
Public classContentCriterion
Defines a criterion to search documents and folders.
Public classContentElement
Represents a content definition.
Public classContentResult
Defines a content result.
Public classContentView
Represents a view of a content.
Public classContentViewHelper
Represents the helper class for view of a content.
Public classDocumentBase
Represents a document base definition.
Public classDocumentStatistics
Represents a document statistic information.
Public classDocumentTimedValidity
Represents a document validity definition.
Public classDocumentType
Represents a document content type.
Public classDynamicDocument
Represents a dynamic content document.
Public classFileBasedDocument
Represents a file based document.
Public classFolder
Represents a folder definition organizing data within a storage.
Public classFolderDocumentsBuiltInWrapper
Represents a wrapper type used for registering a folder optionally with documents.
Public classFolderReplication
Represents the folder replication information needed when replicating a folder directly.
Public classFolderView
Represents the view information of a folder.
Public classLinkDocument
Represents a link document definition.
Public classStorage
Represents a storage object used by the Heron Document Management System.
Public classStorageOrFolderWithAccessGroup
Data composition class for built in data provider.
Public classVersionedDocument
Represents a document which is version controlled.
Public interfaceIDocumentService
Defines the functionality the content service has to implement.
Public enumerationContentViewStatus
Defines the possible status a content object may have.
Public enumerationContentViewType
ContentViewType enumeration.
Public enumerationDocumentStatus
Defines the possible status a content (documents, dynamic contents, news and more) may have.
Public enumerationFolderStatus
Defines the possible status a content (documents, dynamic contents, news and more) may have.