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weroSoft AG, Software
IApplicationConfigurationEditor Interface
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Interface defining the application configuration editor.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Configuration
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Core.Configuration.Library (in WeroSoft.Core.Configuration.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public interface IApplicationConfigurationEditor : IApplicationConfigurationModel, 
The editor methods allow the edition of configuration nodes.

The IApplicationConfigurationEditor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConfigurationModel
Gets the configuration model read access.
Public propertyIsModified
Flag indicating that the configuration has been changed or not.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the status of the editor.
Public methodAddNode(ConfigurationItemInfo)
Adds a new node to the root.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodAddNode(Guid, ConfigurationItemInfo)
Adds a new node to the given parent.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodClose
Closes the configuration.
Public methodCreateNew
Creates a configuration with a header only.
Public methodDeleteNode
Deletes the given node and all its children.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodGetAllowedNodeTypes
Gets a list of allowed node types in the root.
Public methodGetAllowedNodeTypes(Guid)
Gets a list of allowed node types for adding to a defined parent.
Public methodGetCollectionItemsTValue(Guid, String)
Gets the collection nodes of a given meta data type in the given configuration branch.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodGetConfigurationItem(Guid)
Gets the single configuration item in the configuration by its identifier.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodGetConfigurationItem(String)
Gets the single configuration item in the configuration by its node name.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodGetConfigurationItemTConfigurationItem
Gets a single configuration item within the whole configuration.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodGetConfigurationItemTConfigurationItem(Guid, Boolean)
Gets a single configuration item located within a defined parent branch.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodGetConfigurationItems
Gets all configuration items located in the root of the configuration model.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodGetConfigurationItems(Guid, Boolean)
Gets all configuration items recursively down located within a defined parent node.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodGetConfigurationItems(String, Guid, Boolean)
Gets all configuration items recursively down with a defined node name.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public methodOpen
Opens a configuration by reading an XML file.
Public methodSave
Saves the configuration by rewriting the XML file according to the changes.
Public methodSaveAs
Saves the configuration under a new file name.
Public methodUpdateNode
Updates a node after edition.
(Inherited from IApplicationConfigurationModel.)
Public eventChanged
Defines an event which is raised after the model has been changed.
Public eventCleared
Defines an event which is raised after the model has been cleared.
Public eventCreated
Defines an event which is raised after the model has been created.
Public eventLoaded
Defines an event which is raised after the model has been loaded.
Public eventSaved
Defines an event which is raised after the model has been saved.
See Also