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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.ComponentModel.Validation Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
This name space implements the types used for data validation. Data validation is a base component used to automate validation of properties in any types, mainly in business data types in the multi layer software system.
Public classCommonDataValidator
Implements the commonly used data contract data validator.
Public classContentValidationEventArgs
Represent the event argument used for content validation.
Public classCustomDataValidator
Implements the base responsibility of a custom data validator.
Public classDataContractValidator
Implements the common data contract validator.
Public classDataValidation
Implements the facade to access the validation.
Public classDataValidatorBase
Implements the base functionality of a data validator.
Public classDataValidatorExtension
Implements the base functionality of a data validator extension.
Public classTypeValidationEventArgs
Represent the event argument used for type validation.
Public classValidationAssemblyAttribute
Represents the marker attribute to be set in assembly containing types for validation.
Public classValidationAttribute
Implements the root type of the validation attributes.
Public classValidationCollectionCountRule
Implements the rule to check the amount of objects in a collection.
Public classValidationCollectionCountRuleAttribute
Implements the rule for checking the amount of items in a collection.
Public classValidationCompareRule
A validation compare rule. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classCode exampleValidationCompareRuleAttribute
This attribute allows for comparing values of a source and a target properties, that are located in the same class. Only the source property should be decorated with the attribute.
Public classValidationConfigurationAttribute
Defines an attribute used for configuring the validation system.
Public classValidationContentRule
Implements the basic type of a validation content rule.
Public classValidationContentRuleAttribute
Implements the base type for element based rules.
Public classValidationContext
Implements the validation context.
Public classCode exampleValidationEmailRuleAttribute
Attribute for regex-based email validation. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classValidationEnforceRule
Implements a rule which is used to enforce validation.
Public classCode exampleValidationEngineConfigurationAttribute
Represents a configuration which defines automatic validation.
Public classValidationEventArgs
Represent the event argument used for validation events.
Public classValidationException
Represents an exception which is generated on server-side if validation failed by rules.
Public classValidationExpressionRule
Implements the logic of the expression rule.
Public classValidationExpressionRuleAttribute
Represents a rule which can define its content by an expression evaluated by the weroSoft expression system.
Public classCode exampleValidationGroupByExpressionAttribute
Marks a property to activate a validation group by solving an expression.
Public classValidationGroupByTypeAttribute
Marks a property to activate a validation group by a type.
Public classValidationGroupByValueAttribute
Marks a property to activate a validation group by equality of a value.
Public classValidationGroupDefinitionAttribute
Implements the base attribute of the group definitions.
Public classValidationGroupDefinitionRule
Implements the group definition rule.
Public classValidationIgnoreRecursionAttribute
Marks a property to not recursively validated.
Public classValidationLanguageRule
A validation language rule.
Public classCode exampleValidationLanguageRuleAttribute
Attribute for validation language rule that allows for either validating a provided language against a list of languages, or checking that the provided language is neutral.
Public classValidationManager
Implements the validation manager controller.
Public classValidationPlan
Implements a validation plan.
Public classValidationPreloadAttribute
Defines that a type is pre-load during optimizing configuration of the validation manager.
Public classValidationRangeRule
A rule used to validate ranges. Date times should be specified using the UTC/RoundTrip syntax: please use the format "2020-03-04T10:34:55.123456+4".
Public classCode exampleValidationRangeRuleAttribute
Attribute for validation range rule. The lower and upper bounds delimit a range in which checked values must be located.
Public classValidationRegexRule
A validation RegEx rule. Please make sure that the regex string passed to this class is sanitized by correctly escaping special characters.
Public classCode exampleValidationRegexRuleAttribute
Represents the regex validation rule. Please make sure that the regex string passed to this class is sanitized by correctly escaping special characters (you can also insert a '@' character right before the variable name).
Public classCode exampleValidationRequiredLocalizedStringRuleAttribute
Represents the specialized required rule for localized string.
Public classValidationRequiredRule
Implements the logic of the required rule.
Public classValidationRequiredRuleAttribute
Represents the required rule.
Public classValidationRule
Implements the basic type of a validation rule.
Public classValidationRuleBaseAttribute
Represents the base type for validation rule attributes.
Public classValidationRuleDescriptor
Describes a validation rule.
Public classValidationRuleImplementationAttribute
Marks a type being a validation rule.
Public classValidationRuntimeException
Represents the runtime exception happened during validation.
Public classValidationStringContentRule
A validation string content rule.
Public classCode exampleValidationStringContentRuleAttribute
This attribute should be used to make sure that a given string or localized string only contains allowed characters.
Public classValidationStringLengthRule
Implements the logic of the string length rule.
Public classCode exampleValidationStringLengthRuleAttribute
Represents the string length rule.
Public classValidationTypeLimitationDefinition
Defines a type limitation used for validation content rules.
Public classValidationTypeOfRule
A validation typeof rule.
Public classCode exampleValidationTypeOfRuleAttribute
Attribute for validation range rule. The validation is considered to be successful whenever the type of the property value being compared is located in the inheritance tree of the type of reference.
Public classValidationTypeRule
Implements the basic type of a validation rule.
Public classValidationTypeRuleBaseAttribute
Represents the base type for validation type rule attributes.
Public classValidationUniversalRuleAttribute
Represents the base type for validation type rule attributes.
Public classValidationUniversalTypeRuleAttribute
Represents the base type for validation type rule attributes.
Public classValidationWebAddressRule
A validation web address rule.
Public classCode exampleValidationWebAddressRuleAttribute
This attributes is used to assert whether the decorated property has a valid URI.
Public classValidatorExtensionImplementationAttribute
Marks a type being a data validator extension.
Public classValidatorImplementationAttribute
Marks a type being a data validator implementation type.
Public classValidatorTypeAttribute
Marks a type to use a particular data validator.
Public interfaceIValidationObjectContext
Defines the responsibility of the validation object context interface.
Public interfaceIValidationRule
Defines the responsibility the validation rule must implement.
Public interfaceIValidator
Defines the responsibility of a validator.
Public interfaceIValidatorBase
Defines the responsibility of a validator.
Public interfaceIValidatorExtension
Defines the responsibility of a validator extension.
Public enumerationCollectionCountRuleMode
Defines the mode how the rule shall count the items.
Public enumerationValidationBehaviorLocalizedString
Defines the validation required behavior for localized string .
Public enumerationValidationOperationMode
Defines the supported validation operation modes.
Public enumerationValidationOptimization
Defines the possible optimizations of the validator.
Public enumerationValidationRuleTiming
Defines the possible validation rule timing.
Public enumerationValidationSide
Defines where the rules are checked.
Public enumerationValidationTypeLimitation
Defines the types limitation used for validation.
Public enumerationValidationTypeRuleTiming
Defines the timing of a validation type rule.