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weroSoft AG, Software
WorkflowTemplateViewModel Class
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Defines the view model used for a workflow template.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Desktop
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Desktop.Library (in WeroSoft.Workflow.Desktop.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public sealed class WorkflowTemplateViewModel : ViewModelBase

The WorkflowTemplateViewModel type exposes the following members.

Public methodWorkflowTemplateViewModel
Initializes a new instance of the type WorkflowTemplateViewModel.
Public propertyAccessPoint
Gets or sets the identifier of the access point.
Public propertyAccessPoints
Gets or sets the list of available access points.
Public propertyAddResponsiblePersonCommand
Gets the command for adding a responsible person to a template.
Public propertyCategories
Holds the categories for workflows
Public propertyCategoryId
Gets or sets the category id of the category.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description.
Public propertyDocumentDevelopmentId
Gets or sets the workflow development document id.
Public propertyDocumentProductionId
Gets or sets the workflow production document id.
Public propertyEstRunTime
Gets or sets the estimated runtime in seconds.
Public propertyGroup
Gets or sets the group of the template.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the id of the folder.
Public propertyIntervalDayMaxValue
The default maximal days of runtime.
Public propertyIsActive
Gets or sets if a template is active or not.
Public propertyIsLocked
Gets or sets the is locked property.
Public propertyIsModified
Gets or sets whether the view model is modified or not.
(Overrides ViewModelBaseIsModified.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Forward the value to the ParameterEditorViewModel.
(Overrides ViewModelBaseIsReadOnly.)
Public propertyLockedBy
Gets or sets the locked by property.
Public propertyLockedSince
Gets or sets the is locked property.
Public propertyMaximalRetries
Gets or sets the maximal number of retries.
Public propertyModificationInfo
Gets or sets the modification info.
Public propertyOrder
Gets or sets the order of the template.
Public propertyParameterEditorViewModel
Gets or sets the view model of the arguments.
Public propertyPrgKeyNameReadOnly
Gets or sets if programming key name is read only.
Public propertyPriorities
Gets or sets the list of available priorities.
Public propertyPriority
Gets or sets the workflow template default priority.
Public propertyProgrammingKeyName
Gets or sets the programming key name.
Public propertyResponsiblePersonId
Gets or sets the identifier of the responsible person.
Public propertyResponsiblePersonName
Gets or sets the responsible person.
Public propertyRetention
Gets or sets the retention time.
Public propertyRetentionDayMaxValue
Gets or sets the max number of days for retention.
Public propertyRetryAlgorithm
Gets or sets the used algorithm of the retry mechanism.
Public propertyRetryAlgorithms
Gets the list of supported RetryAlgorithms.
Public propertySelectedCategory
Enables getting and setting (when ViewModel initializes dialog) the SelectedCategory.
Public propertySelectedWorkflowSlaInfo
Enables getting and setting (when ViewModel initializes dialog) the selected WorkflowSlaInfo .
Public propertyShortName
Gets or sets the workflow template id.
Public propertyStartInteractive
Gets or sets the start interactive flag.
Public propertyStatus
Gets or sets the workflow template status.
Public propertyTechnicalInformationVisibility
Gets or sets the visibility of the TechnicalInformation.
Public propertyVersion
Gets or sets the responsible person.
Public propertyViewName
Gets or sets the name.
Public propertyWorkflowSlas
Holds the SLAs for workflows
Public propertyWorkflowTemplateInfo
Gets or sets the WorkflowTemplateInfo model.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public eventPropertyChanged
Raised on changing a property.
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyChanged.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodClone(CloneWorkingMode, IEnumerableType)Overloaded.
Clones an object by serialization.
(Defined by RuntimeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCloneT(CloneWorkingMode, IEnumerableType)Overloaded.
Clones an object by serialization.
(Defined by RuntimeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodConvert (Defined by DataConverterExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateTraceDataEntry(StringBuilder, SourceLevels, TraceableKind, String)Overloaded.
Creates a data entry into a string builder according to the giving parameters.
(Defined by TraceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateTraceDataEntry(SourceLevels, TraceableKind, String, String, Int32)Overloaded.
Creates a trace entry for a data element.
(Defined by TraceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCreateTraceDataEntry(StringBuilder, SourceLevels, TraceableKind, String, String, Int32)Overloaded.
Creates a trace entry into a string builder.
(Defined by TraceExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDynamicCast
Dynamically casts a reference to another type.
(Defined by TypeManagerHelper.)
Public Extension MethodExtractSystemParametersFromTrigger
Extracts the system parameters from a collection of trigger parameter and transform them to a dictionary using string keys and string values.
(Defined by TriggerExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetFieldValue(String)Overloaded.
Gets the data object held by a defined field of a particular type.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodGetFieldValueT(String)Overloaded.
Gets the data object held by a defined field of a particular type.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValue(String)Overloaded.
Gets the data object held by a defined property of a particular type.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyValueT(String)Overloaded.
Gets the data object held by a defined property of a particular type.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodInject(Type, Object)Overloaded.
Injects all fields or properties which are marked with the defined attribute type name.
(Defined by DataInjection.)
Public Extension MethodInject(Type, Object, Boolean)Overloaded.
Injects all fields or properties which are marked with the defined attribute type name.
(Defined by DataInjection.)
Public Extension MethodInjectField
Injects a value to a property within a data object.
(Defined by DataInjection.)
Public Extension MethodInjectProperty(String, Object)Overloaded.
Injects a value to a property within a data object.
(Defined by DataInjection.)
Public Extension MethodInjectProperty(String, Type, Object)Overloaded.
Injects a value to a property within a data object.
(Defined by DataInjection.)
Public Extension MethodInvoke(String, Object)Overloaded.
Invokes a method on an object by reflection.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodInvokeTResult(String, Object)Overloaded.
Invokes a method on an object by reflection.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodSetFieldValue
Sets the data object on a defined field of a particular type.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodSetPropertyValue
Sets the data object on a defined property of a particular type.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodSetReadOnlyFieldValue
Sets the data object on a defined field of a particular type.
(Defined by UnitTest.)
Public Extension MethodTryInjectProperty
Tries to Inject a value to a property within a data object.
(Defined by DataInjection.)
See Also