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weroSoft AG, Software
CloneWorkingMode Enumeration
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Defines the mode on which the clone method is working.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Runtime
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Core.Library (in WeroSoft.Core.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public enum CloneWorkingMode

This definition is used for in-process cloning objects only, and never for serializing data to external entities. Since there exists vulnerabilities for serialization you must beware of security for that too. For more information about this topic see this link

Since the whole library of weroSoft shall become portable to .NET Core, we strongly recommend to no longer use the type 'NetDataContractSerializer'.

  Member nameValueDescription
DataContractSerializer0 The working mode is data contract serializer.
NetDataContractSerializer1 Obsolete. The working mode is defining the .NET data contract serializer.
BinarySerializer2 Use this mode for binary serialization. This mode needs the SerializableAttribute to be set on the data to be cloned.
XmlSerializer3 The working mode is defining to use the XML serializer.
GeneralDataContractSerializer4 The working mode defines to use the general serialization.
See Also