Click or drag to resize
weroSoft AG, Software
IShapeButton Interface
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Defines the functionalities supported by a shape button.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Windows.Controls
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Client.Desktop.Library (in WeroSoft.Client.Desktop.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public interface IShapeButton : IGeometryButton

The IShapeButton type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAngle
Gets of sets the angle of the button in degree with respect to the composition.
Public propertyContentAngle
Gets or sets the angle in degree of the content with respect to the center of button. In case of Rectangle this is the absolute rotation of the button with respect to the composition.
Public propertyContentCenterShiftX
Gets or sets the shift in x of the content so that the text or image is centered at ContentShiftX.
Public propertyContentCenterShiftY
Gets or sets the shift in y of the content so that the text or image is centered at ContentShiftY.
Public propertyContentCenterX
Gets or sets the center x of the rectangle of the content.
Public propertyContentCenterY
Gets or sets the center y of the rectangle of the content.
Public propertyContentRotation
Gets or sets the rotation of the rectangle of the content. Texts between 135 and 315 are rotated by 180 deg.
Public propertyContentShiftX
Gets or sets X shift of the content with respect to the center of button.
Public propertyContentShiftY
Gets or sets Y shift of the content with respect to the center of button.
Public propertyFontSize
Gets or sets the size of the font of the content.
Public propertyFontWeight
Gets or sets the weight of the font of the content.
Public propertyForeground
Gets or sets the foreground of the text content.
Public propertyGeometry
Gets of sets the geometry of the button.
(Inherited from IGeometryButton.)
Public propertyGeometryType
Gets or sets the type of the composition the button belongs to.
Public propertyMouseHoverTransparency
Gets or sets the opacity of the button when the mouse is over.
Public propertyRadialLabelPosition
Gets or sets the central position of the content of the button relative to the two inner and outer borders. 0 places the content centered at the inner border. 1 places the content centered at the outer border. If null then the default is used.
Public propertyRotationType
Gets or sets the type of the rotation of the content of the button.
Public propertyShiftX
Gets or sets the shift in x of the center of the button with respect to the composition.
Public propertyShiftY
Gets or sets the shift in y of the center of the button with respect to the composition.
Public propertyStrokeThickness
Gets or sets the thickness of the line of the geometry.
(Inherited from IGeometryButton.)
See Also