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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Workflow.MetaSystem Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classAliasTypeMetaInfo
Defines a HPL alias for a type.
Public classAssemblyMetaInfo
Defines the base meta information for an assembly.
Public classCategoryMetaInfo
Defines the base meta information for a category.
Public classCustomizeLoaderInfoEventArgs
Represents an event argument used for customizing the meta system loader info. The loader information is used to define the available HPL language elements on startup of the editor.
Public classMetaSystemCache
Implements the workflow system meta cache.
Public classMetaSystemLoaderInfo
Represents the information used to build the meta cache.
Public classMetaSystemManager
Represents the manager of the meta system.
Public classNetAssemblyMetaInfo
Defines the .NET assembly meta information.
Public classPageCategoryMetaInfo
Implements a HPL page category.
Public classPropertyCategoryMetaInfo
Defines the meta information of a HPL type property category.
Public classPropertyMetaInfo
Implements the base functionality of a HPL property meta information.
Public classRegisteredMetaInfo
Defines a registered meta information.
Public classStatementAssemblyMetaInfo
Defines the statement assembly meta information.
Public classStatementCategoryMetaInfo
Implements a HPL statement category.
Public classStatementFactory
Provides the functionality to generate statements.
Public classStatementFactoryControl
Implements a statement factory control used for checking states during factoring.
Public classStatementMetaInfo
Defines the meta information of a HPL statement.
Public classTypeMetaInfo
Implements the base information of a HPL type.
Public classViewableMetaInfo
Implements the base functionality of a HPL viewable meta information.
Public enumerationResourceKind
Defines the possible resource types which are supported by automatic resource loading.
Public enumerationStatementFactoringStatus
Gets the status of the factory status.
Public enumerationWorkflowWorkingMode
Defines the possible working modes of th editor.