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weroSoft AG, Software
JsonConverter Class
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Helper type for converting objects to a JSON string and backward.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Data.Json
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Data.Library (in WeroSoft.Data.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public static class JsonConverter
This converter provides methods for converting CLR objects to JSON strings or JSON strings to CLR objects. The converter is a facade object. It uses a configurable converter implementation behind. By default the converter implementation used is a NewtonSoft JSON converter.

This type is thread-safe.

The JsonConverter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCurrent
Gets the currently configured JSON converter implementation.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultSettings
Gets the default converter settings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject(String)
De-serializes an object from a JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject(String, Type)
De-serializes an object from a JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDeserializeObjectTResult(String)
De-serializes an object from a JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObjectBase64TResult
De-serializes an object from a compressed and base 64 encoded JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeParameters(String)
De-serializes a parameter collection from a JSON string to a CLR collection.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDeserializeParameters(String, IEnumerableType)
De-serializes a parameter collection from a JSON string to a CLR collection.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleDeserializeValueByPathTResult
De-serialize a single value from a JSON string defined by a path.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSerializeObject
Serializes a arbitrary object to a JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObjectBase64
Serializes a arbitrary object to a JSON string encoded as base 64 using default serialization settings.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSerializeParameters
Serializes a parameter collection to a JSON string.
Public methodStatic memberTryDeserializeValueByPathTResult
Tries to de-serialize a single value from a JSON string defined by a path.
See Also