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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Workflow.Common Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classActionRuleAttribute
Implements the Action rule attribute for a property.
Public classArgumentInfo
Defines information about an argument of workflow.
Public classAssignableVariableRuleAttribute
Implements the AssignableVariable rule attribute for a property.
Public classBindingPropertyAttribute
Defines the definition of the property within the page binding.
Public classChildRuleAttribute
Implements the child rule attribute for a statement.
Public classCompilerContext
Defines the context of the current compiler.
Public classCompilerStatementContext
Defines the context of a statement compilation.
Public classCode exampleCompileToStatementAttribute
Defines that a statement compiles to another statement in runtime.
Public classDebuggingActionEventArgs
Implements the event argument raised to control debugging.
Public classDebuggingBreakEventArgs
Implements the event argument raised if a break point is reached.
Public classDebuggingBreakpoint
Defines breakpoint information for debugging workflows.
Public classDebuggingBreakpointEventArgs
Implements the base information for workflow debugging events.
Public classDebuggingBreakpointHandler
Implement the handling of breakpoint collections like serializing or de-serializing.
Public classDebuggingEventArgs
Implements the base information for workflow debugging events.
Public classDesignTimeConstants
Defines constants used in the design time components of the workflow system.
Public classEditContext
Defines the edit context which is communicated to the statements.
Public classCode exampleEditorInsertRuleAttribute
Defines a statement to be inserted on activating the statement this rule is applied to.
Public classEditorNetUsingRuleAttribute Obsolete.
Implements the editor NET using rule.
Public classEditorRuleAttribute
Implements the base functionality of the statement syntax attributes.
Public classEditorSequenceRuleAttribute
Implements the editor sequence rule.
Public classEditorUsingNetRuleAttribute
Implements the editor NET using rule.
Public classExecutionAbortedEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used if a workflow has been .
Public classExecutionErrorEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used if a Workflow has been canceled caused by an error.
Public classExecutionEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during execution of the Workflow.
Public classInitiationValues
Represents initiation values for the workflow system.
Public classLibraryLookup
Defines the library look lookup used during compilation of a workflow.
Public classLibraryLookupEntry
Represents a library look up entry.
Public classMetaSystemItemAttribute
Base definition of a meta system information.
Public classMethodLookup
Represents a lookup entry of a method in a library.
Public classMigrationInfo
Provides migration information.
Public classNamedStatementRuleAttribute
Implements the named rule attribute for a statement.
Public classNeighborRuleAttribute
Implements the neighbor rule attribute for a statement.
Public classCode examplePageCategoryDefinitionAttribute
Allows defining a category which is used for organizing the pages used in the dialog system.
Public classPageGotFocusEventArgs
Event fired when a page got the focus.
Public classPageLostFocusEventArgs
Event fired when a page lost the focus.
Public classParentCompositionRuleAttribute
Implements the parent composition rule attribute for a statement.
Public classParentExcludeRuleAttribute
Implements the parent exclude rule attribute for a statement.
Public classParentIncludeRuleAttribute
Implements the parent include rule attribute for a statement.
Public classParentNotEmptyRuleAttribute
Represents a rule used to define a structure statement shall or must not be empty.
Public classParentRuleAttribute
Implements the structure rule attribute for a statement.
Public classPropertyCategoryDefinitionAttribute
Allows defining a category which is used for organizing the properties within a statement.
Public classPropertyDefinitionAttribute
Defines a property to be part of a HPL statement.
Public classPropertyMigrationInfo
Provides migration information.
Public classPropertyNoLongerExistsMigrationInfo
Provides migration information.
Public classPropertySyntaxRuleAttribute
Implements base functionality of the policy attributes.
Public classRangeRuleAttribute
Implements the range rule attribute for a property.
Public classRequiredRuleAttribute
Implements the required rule attribute for a property.
Public classRestartingEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during restarting the Workflow.
Public classRuleAttribute
Implements base functionality of the rule attributes.
Public classStatementActionEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during actions on the statements.
Public classStatementAnalysisEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during analysis of the statements.
Public classStatementAssemblyAttribute
Specifies an assembly to contain HPL statements.
Public classCode exampleStatementCategoryDefinitionAttribute
Allows defining a category which is used for organizing the statements.
Public classStatementDataChangedEventArgs
Represents the event used when the statement modifies the properties in code.
Public classStatementDefinitionAttribute
Defines an class to be part of the HPL workflow language.
Public classStatementEditEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during editing of the statements.
Public classStatementEditLoadedEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during editing of the statements.
Public classStatementEventArgs
Represents an abstract base type for event arguments on working with statements.
Public classStatementExecutionEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during execution of the statements.
Public classStatementExtensions
Provides some helper methods for statement creation.
Public classStatementHelper
Provides some helper methods for statement creation.
Public classStatementInfo
Defines a statement information.
Public classStatementJournalEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during writing of the journal of a statement.
Public classStatementLineBuilder
Provides helper functionality for creating the visualization of a statement line.
Public classStatementLineBuilderAttribute
Provides a marker attribute for Method implementing a method for creating a statement line visualization.
Public classStatementMigrationEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used during migration of the statements.
Public classStatementMigrationInfo
Provides migration information.
Public classStatementSaveEventArgs
Represents an event sent before or after the statement has been saved.
Public classStatementStatistics
Represents a statement statics record.
Public classStatementSyntaxRuleAttribute
Implements the base functionality of the statement rule attributes.
Public classStatementValidationRuleAttribute
Defines the base class of a statement validation.
Public classTypeDefinitionAttribute
Defines an class to be part of the HPL workflow language.
Public classViewableMetaSystemItemAttribute
Defines a base attribute for a viewable element.
Public classWorkflowCompilerOptions
Defines settings to be used for the compiler.
Public classWorkflowDeletedEventArgs
Defines the event argument to communicate that the workflow has been deleted.
Public classWorkflowDescriptionAttribute
Defines the meta information used for defining the affinity of a workflow page view model to its description.
Public classWorkflowDesignTimeConfiguration
Defines the configuration of the workflow editor.
Public classWorkflowEventArgs
Represents the event arguments used on handling the workflow.
Public classWorkflowExceptionEventArgs
Represents the exception event arguments used on handling the workflow.
Public classWorkflowExecutionSystem
Implements the workflow Execution System.
Public classWorkflowExecutionSystemContext
Defines the execution system context.
Public classWorkflowExecutorStateEventArgs
Defines the event argument to communicate the workflows execution state.
Public classWorkflowJournalEntry
Defines an workflow journal entry.
Public classWorkflowPlayerExecutionEventArgs
Defines the event argument to communicate the state of the execution of the workflow to the player.
Public classWorkflowRenamedEventArgs
Defines the event argument to communicate that the workflow has been renamed.
Public classWorkflowSystemGlobals
Defines some globally used values of the workflow system.
Public classWorkflowTag
Represents a tag of a workflow.
Public classCode exampleWorkflowViewAttribute
Defines the meta information used for declaring the view used on a workflow page description.
Public classWorkflowViewModelAttribute
Defines the meta information used for declaring the view model used on a workflow page description.
Public classWorkflowVisualizationAssemblyAttribute
Specifies an assembly to contain workflow editor elements.
Public interfaceCode exampleIAssignableVariableStatement
Defines the responsibility of a statement which is returning a value.
Public interfaceICommentingStatement
Defines a statement which allows directly adding comments.
Public interfaceICompilerContext
Represents the context of the compiler.
Public interfaceICompilerStatementContext
Represents a compiler statement context.
Public interfaceIConditionStatement
Represents a HPL condition statement.
Public interfaceICustomSingleStatement
Defines a HPL custom single statement.
Public interfaceICustomStatement
Defines a custom statement
Public interfaceICustomStructureStatement
Represents a HPL custom structure statement.
Public interfaceIEntryPointStatement
Represents a HPL statement entry point.
Public interfaceIImpersonatingStatement
Defines a HPL impersonating statement.
Public interfaceIInputStatement
Defines a HPL input statement.
Public interfaceIIterationStatement
Represents a HPL loop statement.
Public interfaceIJournalProviderStatement
Represents a HPL statement which provides writing journal entries by default.
Public interfaceILibraryContainerStatement
Defines the responsibility of a statement which is representing a used external library.
Public interfaceIMetaSystemManager
Defines the meta system managers responsibility.
Public interfaceIMethodStatement
Represents a HPL method statement.
Public interfaceIMultiActionSupport
Defines the responsibility of a statement which is supporting statement execution actions.
Public interfaceINamedStatement
Represents a HPL named statement.
Public interfaceIPictographicMetaInfo
Defines the responsibility of a pictographic HPL meta information.
Public interfaceIPropertyMetaInfo
Represents the HPL statement property meta information.
Public interfaceIQueryableStatementTSearchDefinition, TQueryReturnType
Defines the responsibility of a statement which is supporting querying data.
Public interfaceIRegisteredMetaInfo
Defines the meta information of any registered element.
Public interfaceIRestorePointStatement
Defines the responsibility for a statement which supports restore points.
Public interfaceIRootStatement
Represents a HPL root statement.
Public interfaceIScopeStatement
Represents a HPL scope statement.
Public interfaceISingleStatement
Defines a HPL single statement.
Public interfaceISingleStatementProxy
Represents a HPL single statement proxy.
Public interfaceISiteStatement
Defines the rules a site specific statement implement.
Public interfaceIStatement
Represents a HPL statement.
Public interfaceIStatementBase
Represents a HPL statement base responsibility.
Public interfaceIStatementCompilation
Defines the functionality a statement must implement if it likes to take action in the compilation.
Public interfaceIStatementEditingInfo
Defines the statement information used for controlling the statement during the edit time.
Public interfaceIStatementIgnoreCompilation
Defines a statement which is not compiled to the runtime.
Public interfaceIStatementInfo
Defines the statement information used for controlling the statement from within the context.
Public interfaceIStatementMetaInfo
Represents the HPL statement meta information.
Public interfaceIStatementPerformance
Represents the performance measurement data set of the execution of a statement.
Public interfaceIStatementProxy
Represents a HPL statement proxy.
Public interfaceIStatementRuntimeInfo
Defines the statement information used for controlling the statement during the runtime.
Public interfaceIStatementStatistics
Represents a statics record of a workflow statement.
Public interfaceIStorageAdapter
Defines the adapter used to transport the workflow stream to the storage and vice versa.
Public interfaceIStructuredVariableStatement
Defines the functionality a structured data statement must provide.
Public interfaceIStructureStatement
Represents a HPL structure statement.
Public interfaceIStructureStatementProxy
Represents a HPL structure statement proxy.
Public interfaceITimeableJournalProviderStatement
Represents a HPL statement which provides writing journal entries .
Public interfaceITypeMetaInfo
Defines the responsibility of a HPL type meta information.
Public interfaceIVariableContainerStatement
Decorates a statement be a variable container.
Public interfaceIVariableProviderStatement
Defines a statement which provides a variable.
Public interfaceIVariableStatement
Represents a HPL root variable.
Public interfaceIViewableMetaInfo
Defines the responsibility of a HPL viewable meta information.
Public interfaceIVisibilityStatement
Defines the responsibility of a statement whose visibility can be controlled.
Public interfaceIWorkflowCompiler
Defines the functionality of the workflow compiler.
Public interfaceIWorkflowContext
Defines the workflow contexts responsibility.
Public interfaceIWorkflowEditor
Specifies the functionality of the workflow editor.
Public interfaceIWorkflowModel
Specifies the workflow base model.
Public interfaceIWorkflowSerializer
Defines the serializer to be used for transferring the data from the workflow's memory to the storage
Public enumerationChildPolicy
Defines the child policy of a statement.
Public enumerationCollectionTypeReturn
Defines the type of the collection that the statement shall return.
Public enumerationCompilationStatus
defines the compilation status of a library.
Public enumerationCompositionPolicy
Defines the possible composition of statement types in another type.
Public enumerationDebuggingAction
Defines the possible actions which are used to control debugging.
Public enumerationDebuggingBreakCondition
Defines the possible hit count conditions.
Public enumerationDebuggingBreakpointState
Defines the state.
Public enumerationDebuggingExecutionState
Defines the debugging execution state.
Public enumerationEditorLineState
Defines the possible values of the line state.
Public enumerationJournalWriteTiming
Defines the supported timings of a statement.
Public enumerationMeteringKind
Defines the possible metering kinds.
Public enumerationMigrationCase
Defines the possible migration cases of reading and migrating a case.
Public enumerationMultiplicityPolicy
Defines the multiplicity of elements.
Public enumerationNeighborPolicy
Defines the possible neighbor relationships.
Public enumerationParentPolicy
Defines the parent policy of a statement.
Public enumerationQueryReturnKind
Defines the kind of retuning type of the query.
Public enumerationQueryReturnType
Defines the type of retuning objects of the query.
Public enumerationRunMode
Defines the run mode of the execution system.
Public enumerationSiteAffinity
Defines the possible interpretation of the affinity of a site statement.
Public enumerationStatementAction
Defines the possible actions of the statement.
Public enumerationStatementExecutionState
Defines the possible statement execution states.
Public enumerationStatementLineBuilderMode
Defines the possible modes the code line builder can work.
Public enumerationStatementLineElementType
Defines the possible types of statement line elements.
Public enumerationStatementModificationState
Defines the modification state of statements.
Public enumerationStatementPhase
Defines the phase in which the statement is currently working.
Public enumerationStatementPosition
Defines the position of statement for inserting it.
Public enumerationStatementStandardAction
Defines the standard actions which a statement can implement.
Public enumerationWorkflowExecutionSystemState
Defines the possible states the workflow execution system can have.
Public enumerationWorkflowFileFormat
Defines the possible file formats the workflow system supports.
Public enumerationWorkflowJournalEntryType
Defines the type of the workflow journal entry.