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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Workflow Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classMetaSystemException
Represents an exception of the meta system of the workflow system.
Public classStackException
Represents a stack exception of the work flow system.
Public classStatementException
Represents an exception concerning a miss-behavior of the syntax tree.
Public classStatementSyntaxException
Represents an exception concerning a syntax exception of a statement.
Public classStatementTimeoutException
Represents an exception concerning a the timeout of the used time for execution.
Public classWorkflowCompilerException
Represents an exception raised by the workflow compiler.
Public classWorkflowEditorException
Represents an exception raised by the workflow editor.
Public classWorkflowException
Represents an exception used for a custom exception statement.
Public classWorkflowExceptionHelper
Provides helper methods for creating an exception and log the exception to the journal too.
Public classWorkflowExecutionException
Represents an exception raised by the workflow execution system.
Public classWorkflowFileHandlingException
Represents an exception used for workflow upload and download handling.
Public classWorkflowHandlingException
Represents an exception raised by the workflow execution system.
Public classWorkflowLoadAggregationException
Represents an exception controlled by the workflow editor if during loading of a workflow something went wrong.
Public classWorkflowLoadException
Represents a workflow loading exception.
Public classWorkflowPropertyLoadException
Represents an exception controlled by the workflow editor if during loading of a statement a property or a other data could not be loaded successfully.
Public classWorkflowRuntimeException
Represents an exception raised by the workflow visualization system.
Public classWorkflowStatementLoadException
Represents an exception controlled by the workflow editor if during loading of a statement a property or a other data could not be loaded successfully.
Public classWorkflowStatementProxyException
Represents an exception raised by the workflow statement proxy.
Public classWorkflowVersionException
Represents an workflow version exception.
Public classWorkflowVisualizationException
Represents an exception raised by the workflow visualization system.
Public enumerationFileHandlingDirection
Defines the possible values for file handling.