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weroSoft AG, Software
WorkspaceArgumentStore Properties
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.

The WorkspaceArgumentStore type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowArgumentNameCaseSensitive
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the argument names are allowed to be used case sensitive.
(Inherited from ArgumentStoreBase.)
Public propertyAllowArgumentNameMultipleUsage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the multiple usage of an argument name is allowed or not.
(Inherited from ArgumentStoreBase.)
Public propertyAreViewsLoaded
Gets a value indicating whether the views are loaded or not.
Public propertyArguments
Gets the arguments.
Public propertyAssembliesToLoad
Gets a collection of assembly names which are defined in -pa or p arguments.
Public propertyClientPluginHostType
Gets the client plug-in host type.
Public propertyErrorInfo
Gets a collection of error information containing the errors found during testing the arguments.
Public propertyIsChecked
Gets a value indicating whether the argument store was checked.
(Overrides ArgumentStoreBaseIsChecked.)
Public propertyIsError
Gets a value indicating whether an argument error was detected.
(Overrides ArgumentStoreBaseIsError.)
Public propertyIsQuiet
Gets a value indicating whether quiet mode is enabled.
(Inherited from ArgumentStoreBase.)
Public propertyPluginsToLoad
Gets a collection of all plug-ins to be loaded.
Public propertyShowHelp
Gets a value indicating whether help shall be shown or not.
(Inherited from ArgumentStoreBase.)
Public propertyTrackNoArgumentsAsError
Gets or sets a value indicating whether no arguments shall be tracked as an error.
(Inherited from ArgumentStoreBase.)
Public propertyVerifiyEmptyArguments
Gets or sets a value indicating the verification of empty arguments is performed or not.
(Inherited from ArgumentStoreBase.)
See Also