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weroSoft AG, Software
IJsonConverter Interface
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Defines the responsibility of a JSON converter implementation.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Data.Json
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Data.Library (in WeroSoft.Data.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public interface IJsonConverter

The IJsonConverter type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeserializeObject(String)
De-serializes an object from a JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodDeserializeObjectTResult(String)
De-serializes an object from a JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodDeserializeObjectBase64TResult
De-serializes an object from a compressed and base 64 encoded JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodDeserializeParameters(String)
De-serializes a parameter collection from a JSON string to a CLR collection.
Public methodDeserializeParameters(String, IEnumerableType)
De-serializes a parameter collection from a JSON string to a CLR collection.
Public methodDeserializeValueByPathTResult
De-serialize a single value from a JSON string defined by a path.
Public methodGetImplementationId
Gets the unique implementation identifier of the converter.
Public methodSerializeObject
Serializes a arbitrary object to a JSON string using default serialization settings.
Public methodSerializeObjectBase64
Serializes a arbitrary object to a JSON string encoded as base 64 using default serialization settings.
Public methodSerializeParameters
Serializes a parameter collection to a JSON string.
Public methodTryDeserializeValueByPathTResult
Tries to de-serialize a single value from a JSON string defined by a path.
See Also