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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Heron.TestServer Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classAdConnectorMock
Provides a mocking service for statistic management.
Public classAssemblyInfoRepositoryMock
Implements the assembly info repository.
Public classCalendarRepositoryServiceMock
Implements the mocked calendar repository.
Public classContactRepositoryServiceMock
Implements the mocked contact repository.
Public classContentRepositoryHelper
Implements some helping extensions.
Public classCoreRepositoryServiceMocked
Implements a repository service which has all mock repository in his configuration.
Public classCryptoRepositoryServiceMocked
Implements a repository service which has all crypto mock repository in his configuration.
Public classCustomAuthenticationConnectorMock
Provides a mocking service for statistic management.
Public classDatabaseInstallationConfiguration
Configuration of a database installation for testing cases.
Public classDatabaseInstaller
Installation and removing of database using the weroSoft database installation principle.
Public classDocumentRepositoryServiceMocked
Implements the mocked document repository service.
Public classElementRepositoryServiceMock
Implements the mocked element repository.
Public classFunctionInfoRepositoryMock
Implements the assembly info repository.
Public classHeronUnitTestGlobals
Provides some global Heron Test values.
Public classInstallationDataGenerator
Generates some installation configuration to install a Heron database in Unit tests.
Public classMockConfigurator
Implements the access to the mock elements in a Test Servers application domain.
Public classMultiServerRepositoryServiceMock
Implements a repository service which has all mock repository in his configuration.
Public classOperationLogRepositoryServiceMock
Implements the mocked operation log entry repository.
Public classPluginInstanceRepositoryMock
Implements the plug-in instance repository.
Public classPlugInRepositoryMock
Implements the plug-in repository.
Public classRepositoryMockBaseTKey, TBusiness
Base implementation of a repository mock up.
Public classSchedulerRepositoryServiceMocked
Implements the mocked document repository service.
Public classServerAppRepositoryMock
Implements the server application repository.
Public classServerTestHelper
Implements some help functions to work with server.
Public classServiceDefinitionRepositoryMock
Implements the service definition repository.
Public classServiceInstanceRepositoryMock
Implements the service instance repository.
Public classSesionContextInitializer
Initialize a session context in case of unit testing.
Public classTestHost
Provides methods for unit testing using a heron server.
Public classTestHostConfiguration
Represents a configuration to configure a Heron server using the TestHost.
Public classTestHostConfigurationHelper
Defines some helper methods for configuration.
Public classTestSessionContext Obsolete.
Represent a session context for tests.
Public classVersionRepositoryMockBaseTKey, TBusiness
Base implementation of a version repository mock.
Public enumerationTestHostConfigurationMode
Defines configuration modes which can be used by Heron Test Server.
Public enumerationTestHostRunningMode
Defines the test host running mode.