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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Server Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classConcurrencyConflictException
Represents one of the architecture level exceptions raised by the business logic or the persistence layer on the server side.
Public classDefaultFaultConverter
Implements a default fault converter for fault extensions.
Public classGeneralServerException
Represents a general exception happened on the server side.
Public classHeronIdentity
Defines the Heron identity.
Public classInvalidSessionException
Represents an exception which is used during working with the server using an invalid session.
Public classOperationLogEventArgs
Represents an operation log event argument.
Public classServerBaseException
Represents a base exception happened on the server side.
Public classServerCommonName
Defines constants for using in whole server.
Public classServerLogicException
Represents one of the architecture level exceptions raised by the business logic on the server side.
Public classServerMessageBehavior
Defines the server side Automation Server message behavior.
Public classServerMessageDispatcher
Represents the server message dispatcher.
Public classServerMessageInspector
Implements the server side Automation Server WCF message inspector.
Public classStatisticsEventArgs
Represents a statistics event argument.
Public classTraceEventArgs
Represents a trace event argument.
Public interfaceISessionValidator
Defines the functionality which is requested for validating a sessions.