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weroSoft AG, Software
DialogButtonCombination Enumeration
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Defines the possible combinations of dialog buttons.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Common.Visualization
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Core.Library (in WeroSoft.Workflow.Core.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public enum DialogButtonCombination
If multiple pages are configured, the navigation buttons 'Backward' and 'Forward' are automatically shown.
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 None of the defined buttons are showed.
SaveCancelFinish1 The 'Save', the 'Cancel' and the 'Finish' buttons shall be shown.
GrantDecline2 The 'Grant', the 'Decline' and the 'Cancel' buttons shall be shown.
ReadOnly3 The 'Cancel' button shall be shown.
ConfirmCancel4 The 'Confirm' and the 'Cancel' buttons shall be shown.
See Also