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weroSoft AG, Software
IQuery Interface
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Provides an interface for creating queries on business logic interface.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Querying
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Core.Library (in WeroSoft.Core.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public interface IQuery

The IQuery type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDefaultSortDefinition
Gets or sets the sort definition used for default sorting.
Public propertyDefaultSortOrderName
Gets or sets the name of the property used for default sorting.
Public propertyOrderClauses
Gets the order clause.
Public propertyQueriedType
Gets the type the query belongs to.
Public propertyWhereClauses
Gets the where clauses.
Public methodAnd
Adds an where clause logically joining the defined where clauses using an AND operation.
Public methodContains
Adds a where clause determining whether the accessors' value instance contains a specified string.
Public methodEndsWith
Adds a where clause determining whether the ending of the accessors' value instance matches a specified string.
Public methodIsEqual
Adds a where clause comparing the accessor to equality.
Public methodIsGreaterThan
Adds a where clause determining whether the accessors' value instance is greater than the specified value.
Public methodIsGreaterThanOrEqual
Adds a where clause determining whether the accessors' value instance is greater than or equal to the specified value.
Public methodIsLessThan
Adds a where clause determining whether the accessors' value instance is less than the specified value.
Public methodIsLessThanOrEqual
Adds a where clause determining whether the accessors' value instance is less than or equal to the specified value.
Public methodIsNotEqual
Adds a where clause comparing the accessor to inequality.
Public methodLike
Adds a where clause determining automatically the given value for wild-cards.
Public methodOr
Adds an where clause logically joining the defined where clauses using an OR operation.
Public methodOrderBy(IEnumerableSearchSortDefinition)
Adds a collection of sort criteria to the query.
Public methodOrderBy(String)
Adds sort order criterion to the query.
Public methodOrderBy(String, SortDefinition)
Adds sort order criterion to the query.
Public methodStartsWith
Adds a where clause determining whether the beginning of the accessors' value instance matches a specified string.
Public methodThenBy(String)
Adds sort order criterion to the query.
Public methodThenBy(String, SortDefinition)
Adds sort order criterion to the query.
Public methodToStatement
Transforms a query to a statement.
See Also