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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Contracts.CoreSystem Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classClientHardware
Defines a client in Heron network.
Public classFarm
Provides the information about a farm.
Public classHardware
Provides the system definition information from within the database.
Public classHeronServer
Defines the data of an Heron server.
Public classHeronUtils
Provides utilities for working with Heron.
Public classServerHardware
Defines a server in Heron network.
Public classServiceDefinition
Defines a web service.
Public classSession
Represents a session business object.
Public classSessionParameter
Represents a session business object.
Public classSessionView
Represents a session business object view item.
Public classSite
Provides the information about a site.
Public classTenant
Provides the information about a tenant.
Public classTimeSourceDefinition
Defines the time source information
Public classTimeSourceInfo
Defines the time source information
Public interfaceICoreSystemRepositoryService
Defines the functionality for the core system repository service.
Public interfaceIDirectoryService
Defines the functionality of directory service.
Public interfaceIFarmManagementService
Defines the functionality of farm service.
Public interfaceIFarmRepository
Defines the core system repository functionality.
Public interfaceIHardwareRepository
Defines the core server repository functionality.
Public interfaceIHeronServerRepository
Defines the functionality of a repository to manage Heron server.
Public interfaceIMachineControlService
Provides the core system interfaces.
Public interfaceIOperationService
Implements the operation interface.
Public interfaceIParameterMetadataRepository
Defines the core server repository functionality.
Public interfaceIParameterRepository
Defines the core server repository functionality.
Public interfaceISessionRepository
Defines repository interface for the sessions.
Public interfaceISessionService
Defines the service functionality for managing Heron Sessions.
Public interfaceISessionSharingService
Defines the interface to share sessions.
Public interfaceISiteRepository
Defines the core site repository functionality.
Public interfaceITenantRepository
Defines the tenant repository functionality.
Public enumerationOperationMode
Describes the operation mode of Heron.
Public enumerationSessionMode
Enumeration of session modes.
Public enumerationSessionState
Defines the possible session state.
Public enumerationTimeSourceAction
Defines the time source actions.