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weroSoft AG, Software
IValueDecryption Methods
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.

The IValueDecryption type exposes the following members.

Public methodDecrypt(String, ListCertificate)
Decrypt a value of type System.String.
Public methodDecryptT(String)
Decrypt a encrypted value.
Public methodDecryptBool
Decrypt a value of type System.Boolean.
Public methodDecryptByte
Decrypt a value of type System.Byte.
Public methodDecryptChar
Decrypt a value of type System.Char.
Public methodDecryptDateTime
Decrypt a value of type System.DateTime.
Public methodDecryptDecimal
Decrypt a value of type System.Decimal.
Public methodDecryptDouble
Decrypt a value of type System.Double.
Public methodDecryptEnumT
Decrypt a value of an enumeration type.
Public methodDecryptGuid
Decrypt a value of type System.Guid.
Public methodDecryptInt16
Decrypt a value of type System.Int16.
Public methodDecryptInt32
Decrypt a value of type System.Int32.
Public methodDecryptInt64
Decrypt a value of type System.Int64.
Public methodDecryptSingle
Decrypt a value of type System.Single.
Public methodDecryptString
Decrypt a value of type System.String.
Public methodDecryptTimeSpan
Decrypt a value of type System.TimeSpan.
Public methodDecryptUInt16
Decrypt a value of type System.UInt16.
Public methodDecryptUInt32
Decrypt a value of type System.UInt32.
Public methodDecryptUInt64
Decrypt a value of type System.UInt64.
See Also