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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Triton.Desktop Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classAsynchronousSearchProvider
Represents the search provider of a plugin. It distributes start, stop and reset events to the view model responsible for the search.
Public classClosePluginEventArgs
Defines the event argument to communicate that the plug-in shall be closed.
Public classCommandExecutionEventArgs
Event arguments used launching commands to asynchronous execution.
Public classCommandManager
Handles the command manager.
Public classControlSizeChangedEventArgs
Represents the event fired by a control which implements IControlSizeProvider.
Public classDailyScheduleItemView
Interaction logic for DailyScheduleItemView.xaml
Public classDailyScheduleItemViewModel
Defines an item performed daily.
Public classDataLoadingEventArgs
Event about the progress of the loading of data.
Public classDayOfMonthViewModel
Represents a day of the month.
Public classDaysOfMonthView
Interaction logic for DaysOfMonthView.xaml
Public classDaysOfWeekView
Interaction logic for DaysOfWeekView.xaml
Public classDeleteItemsCommandT
Represents the command that allow to delete a list of items with pause and cancel options.

If some items could not have been deleted the amount of them is reported at the end of the execution.

Public classDialogButtonDefinition
Defines the meta information which is used for an additional custom button displayed in a dialog.
Public classDialogCancelEventArgs
Represents a control object used when the backward button of the non-modal dialog is pressed.
Public classDialogCloseEventArgs
Represents a control object used when the non-modal dialog is closed.
Public classDialogCustomButtonEventArgs
Represents a control object used for during validation of dialog data.
Public classDialogInfo
Represents the base class of a dialog information.
Public classDialogInfoBase
Defines the dialog helper data for controlling dialogs.
Public classDialogSaveEventArgs
Represents a control object used when the forward button of the non-modal dialog is clicked.
Public classDialogValidationEventArgs
Represents a control object used for during validation of dialog data.
Public classFreeIntervalScheduleItemView
Interaction logic for FreeIntervalScheduleItemView.xaml
Public classFreeIntervalScheduleItemViewModel
Represents a free interval schedule item.
Public classLanguageService
Provides all of the functionalities of Triton language management.
Public classLanguageServiceEventArgs
Event arguments used on changing the language in Triton.
Public classLastStartInfo
Defines the list of latest argument settings of the run applications.
Public classLastStartItem
Defines the latest argument settings of the application.
Public classLeftNavigatorSettings
Represents the setting of the LeftNavigator of the PluginExplorer.
Public classModalDialogInfo
Defines the modal dialog helper data.
Public classModalSelectDialogInfo
Defines the modal dialog helper data.
Public classModificationIndentifierVisibilityConverter
Show or hide the modification mark.
Public classMonthlyScheduleItemView
Interaction logic for MonthlyScheduleItemView.xaml
Public classMonthlyScheduleItemViewModel
Defines an item performed monthly.
Public classMonthlyScheduleTypeToDaysOfMonthVisibilityConverter
Gets the visibility of the days of month panel depending on the monthly schedule type.
Public classMonthlyScheduleTypeToDaysOfWeekVisibilityConverter
Gets the visibility of the days of week panel depending on the monthly schedule type.
Public classNonModalDialogInfo
Defines the non modal dialog helper data.
Public classNumberOfDaysConverter
Converts the day as number to string.
Public classOnetimeScheduleExcludedItemView
Interaction logic for OnetimeScheduleExcludedItemView.xaml
Public classOnetimeScheduleExcludedItemViewModel
Represents a one-time schedule exclude item.
Public classOnetimeScheduleItemView
Interaction logic for OnetimeScheduleItemView.xaml
Public classOnetimeScheduleItemViewModel
Defines an item performed only once.
Public classPeriodicScheduleExcludeItemView
Interaction logic for PeriodicScheduleExcludeItemView.xaml
Public classPeriodicScheduleExcludeItemViewModel
Represents a periodic schedule exclude item.
Public classPeriodicScheduleItemView
Interaction logic for PeriodicScheduleItemView.xaml
Public classPeriodicScheduleItemViewModelBase
Defines the base view model of the periodic items.
Public classPluginManager
Implements the plug-in manager.
Public classProgressCommand
The base class of command that shall support showing and managing progress information.
Public classScheduledDaysOfWeekViewModel
Handles of the scheduled day of the month.
Public classScheduleDialogHelper
Helper class.
Public classScheduledMonthsOfYearViewModel
Handles of the scheduled months of the year.
Public classScheduleItemViewModelBase
Defines the base view model of the items.
Public classScheduleTypePopup
Interaction logic for ScheduleTypePopup.xaml
Public classScheduleView
Interaction logic for ScheduleView.xaml
Public classScheduleViewModel
The view model.
Public classSearchViewModelBase
Represents the base class of a view model that supports searching.
Public classShowHelpCommand
Handle of the Help button of the ModalDialogWindow.
Public classShutdownManager
Implements the shutdown control functionality.
Public classStandardInteractionPlugin
Defines the standard interactions.
Public classStandardInteractionPluginMetadata
Defines the standard interaction plug-in Meta information.
Public classStartInfoHelper
Offers the functionality for handling the arguments when the application is started by ToastActivator.
Public classTraceService
Provides the common trace configuration.
Public classTritonApplication
Represents a Triton application.
Public classTritonControlHelper
Offers common helpers for handling controls.
Public classTritonDesktopLibrary
Defines the static text entry points for things like pack URI.
Public classTritonTransparentWorkspaceView
Interaction logic for TritonTransparentWorkspaceView.xaml
Public classUTCToLocalTimeConverter
Converts UTC DateTime to long local time.
Public classValidatingPluginView
Implements the .
Public classCode exampleValidationCommand
Implements the default functionality used for validating a validating view.
Public classValidationViewModel
Defines view model that supports validation.
Public classWeeklyScheduleItemView
Interaction logic for WeeklyScheduleItemView.xaml
Public classWeeklyScheduleItemViewModel
Defines an item performed weekly.
Public classWindowHelper
Provides functionality for creating windows which are configured according best practice recommendations.
Public classWorkspaceController
Provides the Workspace Controller used in Triton Desktop.
Public interfaceICommandManager
Defines the command managers functionality.
Public interfaceIControlSizeProvider
Defines the properties supported by a control which handles changes in its size.
Public interfaceIDialogInfo
Defines the interface of the dialog info.
Public interfaceIDialogInfoAccessor
Defines a functionality used by a dialog view model for getting connected to the dialog info.
Public interfaceILanguageService
Defines the language service functionality.
Public interfaceIPluginManager
Defines the functionality of the Plug-in Manager.
Public interfaceISettingsManager
Defines the functionality of the settings manager.
Public interfaceISupportNonModalDialog
Identifies a plug-in which uses non modal dialogs.
Public interfaceITraceService
Defines the functionality of the trace service.
Public interfaceITritonModelController
Defines the responsibility of a Triton built in controller.
Public interfaceIWorkspaceController
Defines the functionality of the workspace controller built into Triton.
Public interfaceIWorkspaceModel
Defines the workspace model.
Public enumerationDialogAction
Defines the actions performed by the button.
Public enumerationDialogActionButton
Defines the kind of the button when the action is performed.
Public enumerationDialogButton
Defines the button which shall be addressed.
Public enumerationDialogUsageState
Defines the possible usage states of a dialog.
Public enumerationTraceServiceConfiguration
Defines the current configurations.
Public enumerationTritonApplicationType
Defines the Triton application type