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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Heron.Client Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classAccessControlDataContributor
Provides functionality for contributing document access controls.
Public classAccessPointDataContributor
Provides functionality for contributing object security access points.
Public classAccountDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing accounts.
Public classAccountGroupDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing account groups.
Public classAddressReplicationHelper
Contains helper methods for transforming address objects to lists of programming key names and back to identifiers.
Public classAsyncDataStoreClient
Provides access the asynchronous data store.
Public classAsyncDataStoreRemoteEventClient
Provides access the asynchronous data store remote event service.
Public classCachedClientHeronInfo
Defines a cached client Heron information.
Public classCharacteristicDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing characteristics.
Public classCharacteristicDataReplicator
Data replicator for characteristics.
Public classCityDataContribution
Provides functionality for importing cities.
Public classCityDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing cities.
Public classCityDataReplicator
Provides functionality for replicating cities.
Public classCode exampleClassificationDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing classifications.
Public classClassificationDataReplicator
Data replicator for classifications.
Public classClientExtensions
Provides some helper methods for clients implementing the IReconnectingInterface.
Public classClientLogonUri
Class used to store the log-on Uris.
Public classContactDataContribution
Provides functionality for importing contacts.
Public classContactDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing cities.
Public classContactDataReplicator
Provides functionality for importing contacts.
Public classContactPersonContribution
Provides functionality for importing contacts.
Public classContinentDataContribution
Provides functionality for importing continents.
Public classCountryDataContribution
Provides functionality for importing countries.
Public classCountryDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing countries.
Public classCountryDataReplicator
Provides functionality for importing countries.
Public classCustomConnectionClient
Implements the client of the custom connection service (CCS).
Public classCustomConnectionManagementClient
Implements the client of the custom connection service (CCS).
Public classDataServiceFileClient
Implements a client used as a data service client writing the data to a file, instead sending it directly to the data service.
Public classDataServiceFileShareConnectorClient
Implements a client used as a data service client writing the data to a file share, instead sending it directly to the data service.
Public classDocumentContributorHelper
Contains helper methods for the storage, folder and document contributors.
Public classDocumentDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing documents into the Heron document system. All document types are imported using the same data contributer, which accepts the base class DocumentBase. The distinction which type to import is controlled by the tag "__TargetTypeName__" in the data import file for each data row.
Heron Data Contribution (See "H-01-01 Heron White Paper" and "H-01-04 Heron Programmer's Guide, Component's use")
Public classDocumentDataReplicator
Provides the functionality for replicating the documents.
Public classDocumentLanguageDataContributor
Provides functionality for contributing document languages.
Public classDocumentLanguageDataReplicator
Provides the functionality for replicating the document languages.
Public classDocumentReplicationHelper
Contains helper methods for transforming document objects to lists of programming key names and back to identifiers.
Public classFileRegistrationInfoDataContributor
Provides functionality for contributing file registration info objects.
Public classFileRegistrationInfoDataReplicator
Provides the functionality for replicating document attachment part objects using the FileRegistrationInfo.
Public classFolderDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing folders into Heron document system. Folders and storages are imported using the same data file. The contributor to use at importation time is controlled by the tag "__TargetTypeName__" in the data import file with the "Heron.Folder" value.
The DocumentDataContributor imports data according to the definitions in ImportJobDefinitionFile.xml from a xml-data file using the services of Heron Data Contribution (See "H-01-01 Heron White Paper" and "H-01-04 Heron Programmer's Guide, Component's use")
Public classFolderDataReplicator
Provides the functionality for replicating the folders.
Public classHeronAccountClient
Implements the client for accessing the system definition service
Public classHeronAdvancedClientFactory
Client factory for advanced clients.
Public classHeronAssemblyStoreClient
Implements the client of Assembly Store Service.
Public classHeronCalendarClient
Implements the client for accessing the calendar service.
Public classHeronCertificateStoreClient
Implements the Heron certificate store client.
Public classHeronClientAdapter
Implements the Heron client adapter for using in Triton.
Public classHeronClientExtension
Provides some extension methods for working with Heron clients.
Public classHeronConfigurationClient
Implements the client of the configuration service.
Public classHeronContactClient
Implements the client for accessing the contact service.
Public classHeronCryptoClient
Implements the Heron crypto client.
Public classHeronDirectoryClient
Implements the client of directory service.
Public classHeronDocumentClient
Provides the Heron client functionality for the document management system (DMS).
Public classHeronElementClient
Implements the client
Public classHeronFarmClient
Implements the client of Farm Service.
Public classHeronFileDownloadClient
Provides the Heron client functionality for the client file download to the server upload.
Public classHeronFileUploadClient
Provides the Heron client functionality for the client file upload to the server download.
Public classHeronMachineClient
Implements the client for accessing the system definition service.
Public classHeronNotificationSystemClient
Implements the client of notification service.
Public classHeronObjectSecurityClient
Implements the client for accessing the object security service.
Public classHeronOperationClient
Implements the client of Farm Service.
Public classHeronOperationLoggerClient
Implements the client for accessing the Heron Scheduler Service.
Public classHeronOrganizationBiTemporalClient
Implements the client for accessing the bi-temporal functionality of the organization service.
Public classHeronOrganizationContactClient
Implements the client for accessing the contact part of the organization service.
Public classHeronOrganizationPersonFunctionClient
Implements the client for accessing the person function part of the organization service.
Public classHeronOrganizationPostalAddressClient
Implements the client for accessing the postal address part of the organization service.
Public classHeronOrganizationRelationClient
Implements the client for accessing the organization relation part of the organization service.
Public classHeronProcessingDefinitionClient
Provides access the processing definition server.
Public classHeronRegistrationClient
Implements the Registration client.
Public classHeronSchedulerClient
Implements the client for accessing the Heron Scheduler Service.
Public classHeronServerAppClient
Implements the client of Farm Service.
Public classHeronSession
Implements the Heron Session Client which supports
Public classHeronSessionCacheHelper
Implements the cache to cache client Heron server information.
Public classHeronSessionClient
Implements the client of Session Service.
Public classHeronSessionExtensions
Provides some extension for the Heron Session or the Client Manager.
Public classCode exampleHeronSessionImpersonation
Provides the functionality to make the Heron session impersonation.
Public classHeronSessionProxyT
Implements the generic session proxy.
Public classHeronWorkflowExecutionClient
Provides the client access to the workflow execution service.
Public classHeronWorkflowGrantingClient
Implements the client
Public classHeronWorkflowInstanceClient
Implements the workflow instance client
Public classHeronWorkflowInstanceRemoteEventClient
Provides access the workflow instance remote event service.
Public classHeronWorkflowSchedulerClient
Provides the client access to the workflow execution service.
Public classHeronWorkflowSchedulerRemoteEventClient
Provides access the workflow scheduler remote event service.
Public classHeronWorkflowSlaInfoClient
Implements the client
Public classHeronWorkflowTemplateClient
Implements the Heron workflow client
Public classImportDefinitionDataContribution
Provides functionality for managing import definitions.
Public classMessageSenderClient
Represents the default Heron message sender client.
Public classMessagingManagementClient
Implements the client of the ECS Messaging Management Engine.
Public classOrganizationRelationContributor
Provides a stub for the organization relation replicator. Remark: There is no contributor functionality implemented!
Public classOrganizationRelationReplicator
Provides functionality for replicating organization relations.
Public classPersonFunctionDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing person functions.
Public classPersonFunctionDataReplicator
Provides functionality for replicating person functions.
Public classPingInfo
Represents a helper structure used for pinging a service.
Public classPostalAddressDataContribution
Provides functionality for importing addresses.
Public classPostalAddressDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing postal addresses.
Public classPostalAddressDataReplicator
Provides functionality for replicating postal addresses.
Public classProcessingDefinitionDataContributionContribution
Provides functionality for managing processing definitions.
Public classProvinceDataContribution
Provides functionality for importing provinces.
Public classPublicHolidayDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing public holidays.
Public classRegionDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing regions.
Public classRegionDataReplicator
Provides functionality for importing regions.
Public classReplicationClient
Represents the default Heron replication client.
Public classCode exampleReplicationHandlingSystemContribution
Provides functionality for the replication handling system.
Public classReplicationHelper
Contains helper methods for transforming objects to lists of programming key names and back to identifiers.
Public classReplicationManagementClient
Implements the client of the HCS Management Engine.
Public classReplicationObjectFilterContribution
Provides functionality for contribute HCS replication object filters.
Public classReplicationPermissionRuleContribution
Provides functionality for contribute HCS replication permission rules.
Public classReplicationSenderClientBase
Implements the base functionality of a sender replication client.
Public classReplicationTypeContribution
Provides functionality for contribute a replication type.
Public classRfcMailClient
Represents the client for sending mails.
Public classSearchProviderBaseTData, ClientType Obsolete.
Implements the base functionality for search providers.
Public classSmartAddressDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing smart addresses.
Public classStorageDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing storages into Heron document system. Folders and storages are imported using the same data file. The contributor to use at importation time is controlled by the tag "__TargetTypeName__" in the data import file with the "Heron.Storage" value.
The DocumentDataContributor imports data according to the definitions in ImportJobDefinitionFile.xml from a xml-data file using the services of Heron Data Contribution (See "H-01-01 Heron White Paper" and "H-01-04 Heron Programmer's Guide, Component's use")
Public classTriggerRegistrationDataContributor
Provides the data contribution functionality for trigger registrations.
Public classWorkflowFolderHelper
Helper class for creating workflow storage folders.
Public classWorkflowInstanceDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing workflow instance infos.
Public classWorkflowInstanceDataReplicator
Provides functionality for importing WorkflowInstanceInfos.
Public classWorkflowSlaInfoDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing workflow SLA infos.
Public classWorkflowTemplateInfoDataContributor
Provides functionality for importing workflow template infos.
Public interfaceIAccessRightsManagementClient
Provides the functionalities of a client that supports flat object security.
Public interfaceIAsyncDataStoreClient
Defines the functionality of the asynchronous data store client.
Public interfaceIAsyncDataStoreRemoteEventClient
Defines the functionality of the asynchronous data store client.
Public interfaceICustomConnectionManagementClient
Defines the responsibility of the custom connection management client.
Public interfaceIDataServiceClient
Defines the responsibility
Public interfaceIHeronAccountClient
Defines the responsibilities of the Heron account client.
Public interfaceIHeronCertificateStoreClient
Defines the responsibilities of the Heron certificate store client.
Public interfaceIHeronClassificationClient
Defines the responsibility of the classification client.
Public interfaceIHeronCryptoClient
Defines the responsibilities of the Heron cryptographic client.
Public interfaceIHeronDocumentClient
Provides the Heron client functionality for the document service.
Public interfaceIHeronFarmClient
Defines the responsibilities of the Heron object security client.
Public interfaceIHeronFileDownloadClient
Provides the Heron client functionality for the client file download to the server upload.
Public interfaceIHeronFileUploadClient
Provides the Heron client functionality for the client file upload to the server download.
Public interfaceIHeronOperationLoggerClient
Defines the responsibilities of the Heron operation log client.
Public interfaceIHeronOrganizationBiTemporalClient
Defines the bi-temporal subset of the organization functionality.
Public interfaceIHeronOrganizationContactClient
Defines the contact subset of the organization functionality.
Public interfaceIHeronOrganizationPersonFunctionClient
Defines the person function subset of the organization functionality.
Public interfaceIHeronOrganizationPostalAddressClient
Defines the responsibility of the organization postal address client.
Public interfaceIHeronOrganizationRelationClient
Defines the organization relation subset of the organization functionality.
Public interfaceIHeronProcessingDefinitionClient
Public interfaceIHeronSessionProxy
Defines the responsibility of the session proxy.
Public interfaceIHeronWorkflowGrantingClient
Defines the functionalities of the Workflow Granting client..
Public interfaceIHeronWorkflowInstanceClient
Defines the responsibility of the workflow instance client.
Public interfaceIHeronWorkflowTemplateClient
Defines the responsibility of the workflow template client.
Public interfaceIHierarchicalAccessRightsManagementClient
Provides the functionalities of a client that supports hierarchical object security.
Public interfaceIMessageClient
Defines the responsibility of a Message Client.
Public interfaceIMessageSenderClient
Defines the responsibility of the Heron message sender client.
Public interfaceIMessagingManagementClient
Defines the responsibility of the ECS Messaging Management client.
Public interfaceIObjectSecurityClient
Defines the responsibilities of the Heron object security client.
Public interfaceIReplicationClient
Public interfaceIReplicationManagementClient
Defines the responsibility of the HCS Management client.
Public interfaceIReplicationSenderClient
Defines the functionality of a sending client implementation.
Public interfaceIWorkflowInstanceRemoteEventClient
Defines the responsibility of the client handling remote events for workflow instance.
Public interfaceIWorkflowSchedulerRemoteEventClient
Defines the responsibility of the client handling remote events for workflow scheduler.
Public delegateHeronSessionResolverDelegate
Defines the delegate for acquiring the Heron session proxy.
Public enumerationSupportedDataServiceFileContentType
Defines the file types which are supported on storing the application data using the data service file client.