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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Communication.Client Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
The WeroSoft.Communication.Client contains types which are used for creating and using clients.
Public classAsyncServerResult
Represents the result of a asynchronous server operation.
Public classAsyncServerResultT
Represents the result of a asynchronous server operation.
Public classClientAdapterBase
Implements a base class for the client adapter.
Public classClientAdapterConnectionTimeChangedEventArgs
Represents a client adapter connection time changed.
Public classClientAdapterDefinition
Defines the data needed behind a client adapter.
Public classClientAdapterEventArgs
Represents an event argument definition which is used if the content of the client manager was changed.
Public classClientAdapterStatusChangedEventArgs
Represents a client adapter status changed.
Public classClientDefinitionEventArgs
Represents an event argument definition which is used if the content of the client manager was changed.
Public classClientException
Represents an error on working with a server.
Public classClientManagementData
Represents client management information.
Public classClientManager
Implements the client manager.
Public classClientManagerEventArgs
Represents the base class used for event arguments of content change events of the client manager.
Public classClientProcessData
Represents common process data of all clients used by this process.
Public classClientServiceMethodExecutingEventArgs
Represents an event argument that is used before a service method is called.
Public classClientStatusChangedEventArgs
Represents an event argument used on connection status changed of the client.
Public classClientTypeEventArgs
Represents an event argument for a client type definition content change of the client manager.
Public classClientUtils
Provides some helper methods for the client.
Public classConnectionChangedEventArgs
Defines an event argument used on connection changed.
Public classCode exampleHeronHttpClientTClient, TService
Implements the base type used for connecting the REST services of Heron.
Public classHttpClientHeaderEventArgs
Defines the event argument used for accessing the header which is sent to the server.
Public classMethodCallInfo
Represents the meta information for a method call to the server.
Public classReconnectingClientTService
Represents a base class for building a WCF client which is able to reconnect to the service.
Public classReconnectingRemoteEventClientTRemoteEventService, TRemoteDuplexEventService
Represents a base class for building a WCF client which is able to reconnect and managing remote events.
Public classRemoteEventHandlerBase
Implements the basic functionality of the remote event handling.
Public classRemoteEventHandlerDuplexCallback
Implements the callback handler of the sender management client
Public classRemoteEventHandlerHost
Implements the client side host used for callbacks when communication is set to HTTP using WS standard.
Public classRemoteEventHandlerService
Implements the remote event handler service.
Public classSessionProxy
Provides a abstract base implementation of the session proxy type.
Public interfaceIAsyncServerResultConnector
Provides methods for signaling that an asynchronous result of the server can be connected to an asynchronous result according error handling.
Public interfaceIClientAdapter
Defines the functionality of a client adapter.
Public interfaceIClientManager
defines the functionality the client manager.
Public interfaceIClientSessionProvider
Provides functionality to logging on to a system.
Public interfaceIDispatchableCallback Obsolete.
Declares the responsibility of a client callback which allows dispatching into the UI.
Public interfaceIDispatchableHandler
Declares the responsibility of a client event handler which allows dispatching into the UI.
Public interfaceIHeronHttpClient
Defines the responsibility of the Heron HTTP client.
Public interfaceIReconnectingClient
Defines the data a reconnecting client must implement.
Public interfaceIRemoteEventClient
Defines the responsibilities of a remote event client.
Public enumerationClientAuthentication
Defines the authentication used on a client for accessing a server.
Public enumerationClientCommunicationStatus
Defines the possible status change actions.
Public enumerationClientManagerAction
Defines the actions which was taken by the client manager.
Public enumerationClientStatus
Defines the client working status.
Public enumerationConnectionRightStatus
Provides definitions for the status of grants and the connection to the server.
Public enumerationMethodCallType
Defines the call type of a client to server call.