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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.Workflow.Desktop Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classAddResponsiblePersonCommand
Command class for adding the responsible person to a workflow.
Public classArgumentDialogHelper
Helper class to show a dialog to edit arguments of workflows.
Public classBackwardCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Backward'.
Public classBorderViewModel
Implements the base functionality of a border view model.
Public classCancelCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Cancel'.
Public classCommandBase
Implements the base command type for the workflow UI.
Public classConfirmCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Confirm'.
Public classConsoleUIProvider
Implements the standard console UI Provider.
Public classContentPartConverter
Implements the converter for controlling the output of the inscription editor element
Public classContentViewModel
Implements the base functionality of a part view model.
Public classDataGridPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a data grid.
Public classDateTimeSecToStringConverter
Convert a DateTime to string.
Public classDateTimeSinceToStringConverter
Converts CurrentSectionSince DateTime to string.
Public classDeclineCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Decline'.
Public classDesktopUIProvider
Implements the standard desktop UI Provider.
Public classDialogButtonCommand
Implements the base command type for the workflow UI.
Public classDialogButtonVisibilityConverter
Implements the converter for controlling the visibility of the dialog buttons according the dialog configuration.
Public classDialogPresenterView
Interaction logic for DialogPresenter.xaml
Public classDialogPresenterViewModel
Implements the view model of the dialog presenter.
Public classDocumentUploadPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a document upload.
Public classDossierPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a media page.
Public classDownloadWorkflowDocumentCommand
Show a dialog to download the selected documents.
Public classElementCellSelector
Select the data template of the first column of the row
Public classEmptyPageViewModel
Proposes the view model for an empty page.
Public classEvaluationCheckViewModel
Represents the view model of the check item.
Public classEvaluationItemViewModel
Represents the view model of one evaluation item.
Public classEvaluationPageViewModel
Defines the view model of an evaluation.
Public classEvaluationUserControl
Interaction logic for EvaluationUserControl.xaml
Public classExecuteActionUserControl
Interaction logic for ExecuteActionUserControl.xaml
Public classFileChooserViewModel
Defines the view model of a FileChooser page.
Public classFinishCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Close'.
Public classFormPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a form.
Public classForwardCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Forward'.
Public classGeoPositioningPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a map page.
Public classGeoPositioningUserControl
Interaction logic for GeoPositioningUserControl.xaml
Public classGeoSearchResultConverter
Convert the first GeoSearchResult of the GeoLocationPage into a string.
Public classGrantCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Grant'.
Public classGrantingDataRowConverter
Convert the data of the row to string.
Public classGrantingHeightConverter
Gets the height of the TextBox in the GrantingPage template.
Public classGrantingInstanceElementBase
Represents a node in the tree of the instance.
Public classGrantingInstanceFunctionElement
Represents a function of the granting instance.
Public classGrantingInstanceOperatorElement
Represents an operator of the granting instance.
Public classGrantingInstanceOrganizationElement
Represents an organization of the granting instance.
Public classGrantingInstancePersonElement
Represents a person of the granting instance.
Public classGrantingPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a granting page.
Public classGrantingPersonInfoUserControl
Interaction logic for GrantingPersonInfoUserControl.xaml
Public classGridColumnHorizontalAlignmentConverter
Implements a converter for horizontal alignment of content within a grid.
Public classImagePartViewModel
Gets an image part.
Public classInscriptionDetailConverter
Provides methods for converting inscription values to implementation values.
Public classInstructionPageViewModel
Defines the view model of an instruction.
Public classIntToTimeSpanConverter
Converts number of seconds to time span.
Public classItemPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a item page.
Public classLatestStartTimeToStringConverter
Convert the latest start time to string.
Public classLockedDateTimeToStringConverter
Converts DateTime to short + hh:mm:ss string.
Public classMediaPageViewModel
Defines the view model of a media page.
Public classMessageButtonVisibilityConverter
Implements the converter for controlling the visibility of the message buttons according the message configuration.
Public classMessageDialog
Interaction logic for MessageDialog.xaml
Public classMessagePageViewModel
Defines the view model of a media page.
Public classMessageResultCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Save'.
Public classModelBasedPageViewModelT
Implements a model based page template.
Public classPageActionProvider
Implements the actions used for working with the page description providing interactive items.
Public classPageBindingEditorViewModel
Represents the view model to edit the bindings among pages.
Public classPageBindingViewModel
Represents the view model of the edited page binding.
Public classPageChooser
Interaction logic for PageChooser.xaml
Public classPageHeader
Interaction logic for PageHeader.xaml
Public classPageMarginConverter
Gets the margin of the current page.
Public classPageNavigatorAreaVisibleConverter
Converts the configuration of the page navigator visibility.
Public classPageNavigatorConverter
Implements the converter responsible to deliver the page navigator.
Public classPagePresenterViewModel
Defines the page view presenter view model.
Public classPageSelectionCommand
Implements the command used for the selection of a page.
Public classPageSelectionViewModel
Represents a view model for a page selection.
Public classPageTemplateSelector
Implements the selector used to show a particular page view according the given page view model.
Public classPartTemplateSelector
Provides the template selector which is used for predefined parts.
Public classPartViewModel
Implements the base functionality of a part view model.
Public classPostalAddressToGeoLocationConverter
Convert a PostalAddress to a GeoLocation.
Public classPropertyGridPageViewModel
Implements the view model of a property grid page.
Public classSaveCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Save'.
Public classSelectedDocuments
Represents the complete information about the selected workflow documents.
Public classSelectFileCommand
Implements the file selection command.
Public classSelectionItemViewModel
Represents the view model of a SelectionItem.
Public classSelectionPageUserControl
Interaction logic for SelectionPageUserControl.xaml
Public classSelectionPageViewModel
Defines the view model of the SelectionPage.
Public classShowErrorCommand
Show a dialog with the workflow error.
Public classShowGrantingPersonInfoCommand
Represents the command to show the details of the selected person in the granting process.
Public classShowHelpCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Help'.
Public classShowInfoCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Tag'.
Public classShowJournalCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Journal'.
Public classShowTagsCommand
Implements the concrete dialog command 'Tag'.
Public classShowWorkflowDocumentCommand
Show a dialog with the content of the selected documents.
Public classStartDateTimeToStringConverter
Gets the display text of the start DateTime
Public classStatementsStatisticsConverter
Get the string which represents the time of the measurement item.
Public classStatementStatisticsViewModel
Represents the view model of the dialog which shows the statistics of the executed statement.
Public classStatusToDisplayConverter
Display the status using attributes, if any.
Public classStringToVisibilityConverter
Get the visibility of TextBlobk with Title and Description of a Page.
Public classTagDialog
Interaction logic for TagDialog.xaml
Public classTextPartViewModel
Implements a text part.
Public classTitlePageViewModel
Implements the view model of a title page.
Public classTypeToAssemblyNameConverter
Gets the assembly name of the type of the value.
Public classWizardDialogInfo
Defines the data to support a wizard dialog.
Public classWizardDialogWindow
Interaction logic for WizardDialogWindow.xaml
Public classWorkflowInstanceDocument
The main information of a document produced during the execution of the workflow instance.
Public classWorkflowInstanceHandler
Allows to edit or show an instance.
Public classWorkflowInstanceInstanceEditorIsEnabledConverter
Convert the instance status to IsEnabled.
Public classWorkflowInstanceInstanceEditorIsReadonlyConverter
Convert the instance status to IsReadOnly.
Public classWorkflowInstanceUserControl
Interaction logic for WorkflowInstanceUserControl.xaml
Public classWorkflowInstanceViewModel
Defines the view model used for a workflow instance.
Public classWorkflowResultsView
Interaction logic for WorkflowResultsView.xaml
Public classWorkflowTemplateHandler
Allows to create, edit or show a template.
Public classWorkflowTemplateUserControl
Interaction logic for WorkflowTemplateUserControl.xaml
Public classWorkflowTemplateViewModel
Defines the view model used for a workflow template.
Public classWorkflowWindowHelper
Provides functionality for creating windows and showing dialogs supported by the library.
Public classWrapperPageViewModel
Implements the wrapper page view model.
Public enumerationInstanceOperator
Defines the operators supported in a granting process.
Public enumerationWorkflowDocumentType
The identifier of the kind of workflow document.