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weroSoft AG, Software
WorkflowExecutionSystemState Enumeration
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Defines the possible states the workflow execution system can have.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Common
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Core.Library (in WeroSoft.Workflow.Core.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public enum WorkflowExecutionSystemState
  Member nameValueDescription
Idle0 The workflow execution system is available for working.
Loading1 The workflow execution system is loading the workflow.
Ready2 The workflow execution system is ready to either restart or execute a workflow.
Restarting3 The workflow execution system is restarting a workflow.
Executing4 The workflow execution system is executing the currently loaded workflow.
Executed5 The workflow execution system has successfully executed the currently loaded workflow.
Aborting6 The workflow execution system gets aborted the workflow according the user interaction.
Aborted7 The workflow execution system has aborted the workflow according the user interaction.
Error8 The workflow system is in an error.
Saving9 The workflow execution system is saving the executed file.
Saved10 The workflow execution system has saved the executed file.
Unloading11 The workflow execution system is unloading its currently loaded workflow.
See Also