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weroSoft AG, Software
WeroSoft.ComponentModel.Service Namespace
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Public classConfigurableServiceHost
Defines a service host, which allows to read a the WCF configuration from a separate configuration file.
Public classDynamicServiceNode
Defines the data of a dynamic service node.
Public classHeronServiceHost
Defines a Heron service host.
Public classOpenServiceMetadata
Implements a convenience base meta data type.
Public classReliantRemoteEventServiceTEngine
Implements the basic functionality of callback service which is reliant of a particular engine controller.
Public classReliantServiceTEngine
Implements the basic functionality of service which is reliant of a particular engine controller.
Public classReliantSlimServiceT
Implements the basic functionality of service which is reliant of a particular slim engine controller.
Public classRemoteDuplexEventHandlerRegisterInfo
Defines the needed information for a client registration for remote duplex event handling.
Public classRemoteEventArgs
Defines the base type used for callback an event argument.
Public classRemoteEventHandlerRegisterInfo
Defines the needed information for a client registration for remote event handling.
Public classRemoteEventHandlerRegisterInfoBase
Defines the needed base information for a client registration for remote event handling.
Public classRestHostEventArgs
Represents the event arguments sent from the host.
Public classService
Base implementation of a automation service.
Public classServiceMetadata
Provides the meta data describing a service of Heron.
Public interfaceICallbackHandler Obsolete.
Defines the functionality of a callback handler.
Public interfaceICallbackService Obsolete.
Defines the functionality of a callback service.
Public interfaceIIndependentService
Provides an interface for an independent service.
Public interfaceIManagedServiceNode
Defines the content of a managed service node.
Public interfaceIOpenServiceMetadata
Defines the meta data used for defining an open service implementation.
Public interfaceIReliantServiceT
Defines the functionality a reliant service must implement.
Public interfaceIReliantSlimServiceT
Defines the functionality a reliant slim service must implement.
Public interfaceIRemoteEventHandler
Defines the functionality of a remote event handler.
Public interfaceIRemoteEventHandlerRegisterInfo
Defines the user definable remote event handler data.
Public interfaceIRemoteEventService
Defines the functionality of a callback service.
Public interfaceIRemoteEventSource
Defines the functionality of a remote event handler source.
Public interfaceIService
Provides the base interface used to implement a service usable on Heron.
Public interfaceIServiceConfigurationManager
Defines the functionality of a service configuration manager.
Public interfaceIServiceHost
Defines the responsibility of a REST Service Host.
Public interfaceIServiceManager
Defines the service managers functionality.
Public interfaceIServiceMetadata
Defines the service specific meta data.
Public interfaceIServicePlugin
Declares a marker interface to distinguish Engines from other server plug-ins.
Public enumerationHostStatus
Defines the possible status of a host.
Public enumerationRemoteEventHandlerStatus
Defines the status of the remote event handler.
Public enumerationServiceCallbackStatus
Defines the states which are controlling the callback mechanism.