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weroSoft AG, Software
IKeyManager Interface
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Defines the functionality of the Triton key manager.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Security
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Core.Library (in WeroSoft.Core.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public interface IKeyManager

The IKeyManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeleteKey
Delete the key container in the key store.
Public methodExportKey
Exports the key within a particular key container to a file.
Public methodExportKeyPublicOnly(String)
Exports the public part of the key within a particular container.
Public methodExportKeyPublicOnly(String, String)
Exports the public part of the key within a particular container.
Public methodGenerateKey
Generates a new key within a key named container.
Public methodImportKey
Imports the key from a file.
Public methodInitialize
Initializes the key manager instance.
Public methodIsKeyRegistered
Gets a value indicating whether the key container is registered or not.
See Also