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weroSoft AG, Software
IWorkflowEditor Interface
The documentation is integral part of the weroSoft product documentation. This part is intended to be used by developers only.
Specifies the functionality of the workflow editor.

Namespace:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Common
Assembly:  WeroSoft.Workflow.Core.Library (in WeroSoft.Workflow.Core.Library.dll) Version: 3.0 Pre-Release
public interface IWorkflowEditor : IDisposable

The IWorkflowEditor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConfiguration
Gets the configuration of the editor.
Public propertyEditContext
Gets the edit context.
Public methodAddStatement(Guid, String)
Adds the statement to the container of the defined parent statement.
Public methodAddStatement(Guid, String, StatementPosition, NullableGuid)
Adds the statement to the container of the defined parent statement.
Public methodCanAddStatement
Checks whether a statement can be added on a particular position or not.
Public methodCanCopy
Gets whether statements can be copied or not.
Public methodCanCut
Gets whether statements can be cut or not.
Public methodCanPaste
Gets whether statements can be pasted or not.
Public methodCanRedo
Gets a value indicating whether the last operation can be redone or not.
Public methodCanRepeat
Gets a value indicating whether the last operation can be repeated or not.
Public methodCanUndo
Gets a value indicating whether the last operation can be undone or not.
Public methodCheckSyntax
Starts a syntax check.
Public methodCloseDefinition
Closes an opened definition.
Public methodCopy
Copies the identifiers from the current model and put it into the clipboard.
Public methodCreateDefinition
Creates a new workflow according the given type.
Public methodCut
Cut the current selection out from the current model and put it into the clipboard.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodExportSourceCode
Exports the current workflow as a source code file.
Public methodGetArgumentNames
Gets a collection with information about the defined arguments.
Public methodInitialize
Initializes the workflow editor.
Public methodMakeFileWritable
Makes the currently edited local file writable by removing the read-only flag.
Public methodMoveStatement
Moves a statement to a new location.
Public methodMoveStatementDown
Moves the defined statement one line down.
Public methodMoveStatementLeft
Moves the statement on indentation to the left.
Public methodMoveStatementRight
Moves the defined statement one indentation to the right.
Public methodMoveStatementUp
Moves the defined statement one line up.
Public methodOpenDefinition
Opens an existing workflow definition.
Public methodPaste
Pastes the current clipboard content.
Public methodPauseSyntaxAnalysis
Pauses the syntax analyzer's work.
Public methodRedo
Performs a new execution of the last statement operation.
Public methodRemoveStatement
Removes the defined statement.
Public methodRepeat
Performs a new execution of the last operation of the editor.
Public methodResumeSyntaxAnalysis
Resumes the syntax analyzer's work.
Public methodSaveAsDefinition
Saves the workflow using a new name.
Public methodSaveDefinition
Saves the workflow.
Public methodUndo
Performs an inversion of the last operation.
Public methodUpdateStatement
Updates the statement.
Public eventFailed
Raised if the editor failed executing a task.
Public eventIdle
Raised if the editor gets idle.
Public eventModelCleared
Raised if the editor gets cleared.
Public eventModelLoaded
Raised after the editor has loaded the model.
Public eventModelSaved
Raised if the editors' content gets saved.
Public eventModelSyntaxAnalyzed
Raised if the editor analyzed the syntax.
Public eventStatementAdded
Raised if a statement has been added to the model.
Public eventStatementAnalyzed
Raised if a statement has been analyzed.
Public eventStatementChanged
Raised if a statement has been changed.
Public eventStatementLoaded
Raised if a statement has been loaded to the model.
Public eventStatementMoved
Raised if a statement has been moved.
Public eventStatementRemoved
Raised if a statement has been removed.
Public eventStatementsRenumbered
Raised if the statements got renumbered.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodDumpStatementTreeAsSource
Lists the statement tree.
(Defined by DevelopmentHelper.)
See Also